Important Links
Age Concern helps to support older people in the community by providing information, advice and support.
Auckland Transport – Senior & SuperGold transport concession
Alzheimers NZ is a support and advocacy organisation for people with dementia, their carers, family, whānau and community.
CCS Disability Action. We are here to provide support and strengthen communities so people with disabilities are included in the life of their family/whanau and community. If you can’t find what you are looking for or just need some support, call us on 0800 227 2255
Carers New Zealand is a national information centre for family carers who support frail aged family members or friends.
Citizens Advice Bureau provides a free and confidential service. Phone: 0800 FOR CAB (0800 367 222)
Eldernet New Zealand provide comprehensive, up-to-date information about services available for older people (eg. home help services, respite care, residential care, dementia care and community groups).
Greypower NZ is an association for all New Zealanders aged 50 years and over. It acts as a public voice to represent the views and issues of its members.
Healthline – Phone 0800 611 116 for free advice from our trained registered nurses.
IRD number application – resident individual – Inland Revenue
Living in retirement provides you with information in your semi-retired/retired years and how best to manage your nest egg.
Mobility Parking Permits – Information and application
MSD Seniors Website provides older people with information relating to superannuation, entitlements, work and income, financial means assessment and gold cards.
Powers of Attorney – information
Residential Care Line provides information for older people, their family/whānau, or carers to make decisions about staying at home, retirement villages, homecare, day care and rest homes.
Request information form for Travel – Arrival and Departure records
Sorted provides information on managing your money and moving into a rest home or
SeniorNet – Learning centers for older adult computer users
Senior Services – MSD
Seniorline is a national service that aims to help older people who are considering rest home or long stay hospital care, or who are already in care.
SuperGold website. For application Click – application form.
SUPA-NZ – Seniors united to promote an age friendly New Zealand